Wednesday, May 24, 2006

So I was watching Good Morning America this morning when an interview of The Dixie Chicks aired. They were talking about marriage, children, life, and music, a typical interview. But then something caught my ear, one of the girls was talking about her body after giving birth. She said that she was proud of the way her body looked now, she wasn't the most fit she had ever been and that nothing ever went back to thier original place but that she was proud to have the battle scars of motherhood. It got me thinking about how a lot of times I look at my body and I think how ugly my stretch marks are or how I'll never have perky boobs again in my life. And I ask myself, " Would I do it all over again for the chance to hold Alora Grace in my arms as my daughter," and I confess, I would do every moment again.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

So I want to apologize for the lack of commitement to posting. Life can sometimes be so hectic and we tend to put less significant things in the forefront of our minds, like blogging. But I will from this day make a concerted effort to blog on a more regular basis. Instead of just once a month.
So I just want to take a moment and Praise the Lord for the amazing friends that He has placed in mine and Eric's life. We are so blessed to have a family of brothers and sisters in Christ that we can be real with. Since moving back to Eric's home-town we have met some amazing people. We are building friendships that I have prayed for for so long. So tonight with the short amount of time I have I want to Praise you Lord and testify of just how amazing and sovereign You are. Thank You for guiding our every step and leading us to Covenant.